Good Bye Trump, May You Rot in Hell for All Eternity

Anri Bien-Aime
6 min readJan 9, 2021

The Nightmare is almost over, the fucking dictator in the form of Donald Trump is being sent packing but he isn’t leaving soon enough for my tastes. These last four years are years that I truly want to forget on SO MANY LEVELS. I could give so many reasons as to why but I figure I would just give five simple reasons for why his presidency should be burned into the ether and fully forgotten

  1. His Constant Attacks On Transgender Individuals
Photo by Erik McGregor on GettyImages

Obviously this is going to be the very first reason that i would give cause he even before he was nominated he vowed to go and rescind the Obama Administration’s directives aimed at protecting transgender individuals in schools and in healthcare. The very first month he was in office he rescinded protections from Title IX for transgender students in schools throughout the country; which left the door wide open for individuals who wanted to be themselves to be discriminated against, bullied, harassed, etc. Also within that first year his administration reversed a policy that provided non-discrimination protections for transgender individuals in the workplace under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. He tried to redefine the legal definition of sex under Title IX thus removing non-discrimination protections for transgender individuals, along with nonbinary and intersex identifying individuals. He implemented a ban on transgender individuals from serving in the armed forces. He even threatened to go and withhold funding from states that allowed transgender athletes from competing under their actual gender identity. He sought on so many levels to go and erase individuals like myself that really I had started planning out how I was going to get the hell out of the United States cause he just made being transgender openly very stressful every waking moment that plenty of times I cried myself to sleep wondering if it is worth it to live as myself with an evil tyrant who didn’t respect me, didn’t see me, and didn’t care for me

2. Black Lives DIDN’T Matter to him

As most people might already be aware of and likely long forgotten at this rate during the Summer last year in Minnesota a black man by the name of George Floyd was killed by Four Police Officers who in a matter of 7 minutes and 46 seconds pinned down George Floyd to the ground and one of them put their Knee on his neck and kept it on there till he had fully lost consciousness and died. Hundreds of protests had gone and followed throughout the duration of the summer and one of the BIGGEST ones that will be remembered is the one that took place in Washington D.C. Peaceful protests were held over several days to try and bring attention to Legislators on how action needs to be taken IMMEDIATELY to hold Police Officers accountable for their actions that have gone and constantly brutalized and even killed Black Individuals going back as far as Ferguson in 2014. Some of Trumps Responses were:

Having Police Fire Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets on Protestors just so he could get a Photo Op in front of a Church

Having the D.C. National Guard standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial while Black Lives Matter Demonstrators were holding a peaceful protest,ac_none/210106214709-story-blm-1.mp4

And even going as far as calling the movement in general “A Symbol of Hate” That even his press secretary went on camera to go and defend him for it

He just saw Black Lives as disposable and tokens for his own personal gain as it never mattered to him in the first place-not during his presidency, not any time before, not EVER.

3. His Complete Fuckup to the Coronavirus Pandemic

22,519,694 cases and 378,972 deaths later even though we are getting slowly vaccinated against the virus a new mutation strain is emerging in places like Colorado, Texas, and even Florida; He hasn’t bothered to go and initiate any proper measures to try and combat and isolate the Coronavirus. He has constantly denied the virus existed, downplayed the seriousness of it, made states battle each other for whatever amount of stock was available, and even left MILLIONS of people Unemployed(was supposed to be temporary but as the pandemic went on plenty of businesses weren’t getting the funds needed in order to stay afloat thus loss of jobs and very little hiring due to job freezes), Struggling to make rent, and even struggling to go and put food on the table for themselves(or their own families). Its very embarrassing when a country like New Zealand is able to listen to science, implement a total lockdown, put in measures, and fully “beat” the virus and go back to their normal lives. While the United States can’t even do something as simple as putting a mask on as one exhibit like this goes and demonstrates. At least under the new president and his administration he will come in plenty prepared with experts who will guide him on how to go about this pandemic and a main focus on beating this virus.

4. The Various Criminal Actions He Committed while in The Oval Office

In his four years as “president” he has done various criminal acts ranging from his taxes to Ukraine to Sedition. It would be way too long to go and talk about all the crimes he has gone and committed one at a time while he has gone and held the oval office. But the most important thing to go and remember is that he has been Impeached Once for it(and days before he leaves he’s going to be impeached again) so he will be known in history as IMPOTUS. Hopefully once the new administration takes over Donald Trump, His Family, His Cabinet, various agencies where he has loyalists installed, and even Federal, State, and Local GOP Politicians will be fully investigated to uncover the shit(pardon my French) that went down under his reign.

5. Made The United States a Global Embarrassment

I think I would go and keep this short and simple by going and saying that his slogan of “Make America Great Again” didn’t really go and make us great again by any shot at all…… in fact it has gone and left us as a global laughing stock that makes George W. Bush with his two wars tame in comparison. Him cozying up with dictators, Amnesty International going and putting out a warning telling travelers around the globe NOT to travel to the U.S., and even skipping out on climate change meeting at a Global Summit. We clearly didn’t bring our best individual to represent us on the world stage and we have a ton of work to go and do to rebuild that trust and standing with our fellow global allies cause Donald Trump left very sour tastes in their mouths and I don’t blame them one little bit.

A bright future is thankfully around the corner and hopefully we can get back on track and hopefully for my sake stay on fucking track



Anri Bien-Aime

Personal Outlet for Writing on Politics, Being Trans/LGBTQ+ and probably plenty more topics to come. Photo Shy for now